Alchemy of Menopause

A Support Group

Monday 10/25 4pm US MST

A Zoom Support Group for Women in and around Menopause

Monday October 25 4pm -5.30 pm US MST time (see time conversion here

As of now, we have decided to only hold the first support group on 10/25. We have canceled future support groups due to seeming lack of interest and will continue to revise and refine our offerings to meet your needs.

The aim of the group is to provide a safe, nurturing space for women to connect around the theme of menopause and support each other through this powerful, natural life developmental stage.

I believe the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual shifts women feel during peri-menopause are doorways to profound transformation and initiation.

With the present suffering in the world and degradation of the planet, now is the most important time for women to step into conscious eldership and help protect their communities and the future of their grandchildren. With the right support and guidance through peri-menopause, I believe women can transform more powerfully than is even imaginable.

The aim is to create a group where you can see your needs and experiences during menopause in a new light. Instead of concentrating on ‘symptoms’ and mourning what is passing, this group is an invitation to transform your life’s experiences into wisdom. To find your hidden strengths and feminine power and embrace the wise woman you are destined to become.

If you would like to join this new, vibrant community of women honoring the evolution of feminine consciousness through peri-menopause please sign up.

We will meet the last Monday of every month at 4pm until 5.30pm US MST time. I will begin with a quote or short reading from my work on “The Alchemy of Menopause” to introduce the theme of the month. Everyone is welcome to share, to ask questions or to merely listen. The only prerequisite for joining the group is to identify as a woman.

The price is on a sliding scale and you choose how much to pay from US$10-30.

To sign up for 10/25, click the button below:

Cathy Skipper

Facilitator Cathy Skipper

When I began my own perimenopausal journey, I got the feeling there was something much more going on than merely physical changes. The physical changes seemed to be the ‘triggers’ or ’stimulus’ for greater, deeper changes within my psyche. I used the alchemical stages elucidated by Carl Jung as a framework for perimenopause and to navigate the journey of healing the deep feminine inner wound. I created a workbook and live and online classes where I guided hundreds of women from all over the world through this inner journey. It was amazing to witness so many women transform and step into their feminine strength and a deep sense of belonging. I feel the calling to carry on offering this work to women and one of the ways is through this informal, monthly, support group for women.

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