Transform & Reconnect:
Essential Oils

for Deep Soul Healing

(with or without Psychedelic Therapy)

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We are Cathy Skipper and Florian Birkmayer MD. Together we have over fifty years of experience helping people.

See the Hidden,
Heal the Whole &
Become Empowered

What People Are Saying

“With so much focus outward, what a relief to be guided and supported back to the inner journey.”
“Using “scents” known as one of the most powerful agents to retrieve unconscious memories, I found very powerful.”
“Cathy & Florian are the most delightful teachers. Extremely knowledgeable and good humans – highly recommend learning with them and AromaGnosis!”
-Lolly Laure A’Bell

Unearth A Wealth of Knowledge From Our Latest Videos

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“The shadow may carry the best of the life we have not lived.” Marion Woodman

You are intrigued by shadow work but don’t know where to start. You used to be frightened of looking at your shadow but now you sense it may hold the answers you are looking for. Subscribe to Aromagnosis to get your FREE “Shadow Work Checklist” and 3 Shadow Work Videos.
