Heal What You Inherit: Unravel the hidden traumas of your lineage

The AromaGnosis Method of Ancestral Healing will show you how to clear your family tree of unhealed traumas and receive your rightful gifts.

Transform transgenerational patterns that are holding you back from emotional freedom, wellbeing and fulfilling relationships.

What People Are Saying

“The way I tune into the work you do is each oil is a part of me you’re putting together to help me actualize all my parts for full and complete connection with Self so I become the most amazing version of myself- my full expression”
“Using “scents” known as one of the most powerful agents to retrieve unconscious memories, I found very powerful.”
“Cathy & Florian are the most delightful teachers. Extremely knowledgeable and good humans – highly recommend learning with them and AromaGnosis!”
-Lolly Laure A’Bell

Join Us for a Five-Month Guided Journey into Ancestral Healing

Ancestral Healing is an important aspect of all inner healing. We cannot ignore the past and those who came before us as their lives affect us in many ways.  Ancestral Healing is the process of identifying, transforming, and healing any ancestral wounds that have been passed down through the generations.

In this subscription, with the help of plant medicines, you will learn to recognize the patterns that are influencing your life or the lives of your clients and the ways in which to transform them so instead of re-living the traumas, you are able to benefit from the gifts of your ancestors, heal the trans-generation traumas and celebrate their often hidden legacies.

The lesson package you will receive each month will guide you through the steps that we use in our work in Ancestral Healing. They are multi-faceted and holistic, involving all aspects of the psyche, i.e. the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  You will also learn practical aspects, such as working with DNA testing and various DNA databases and how to research your lineage.

Each month, you will be able to partner with herbs, aromas, precious stones, and other spiritual tools to get hands-on practical guidance and to develop an understanding of the way in which ancestral connection and healing is necessary not only for individual but also collective healing. Each month you will receive a box of aromatic allies, including special goddess blends, along with a monthly pdf manual and videos.

Also, we have decided to offer a monthly live-online Q&A, which will be a recurring opportunity to connect, share your progress and insights, ask us questions and learn from each other. 

Both Florian and I have not only healed our own lineages and benefited from a sense of belonging and grounding that came from this work but also realized how important ancestral healing is to all our client’s stories, whether they realize it or not.

This monthly experience will give you all the information, tools and guidance you need to fully embark on this deep healing journey for yourselves and for your clients. Whatever your modality, ancestral healing is vital to healing not only the past but the future.

You’ll receive your first box a few days after you sign up. Every 30 days after that you’ll receive your next box.

Here Are Some of the Themes We Will Address

  • Your relationship to death and dying and your ancestors
  • Traditions of ancestral veneration
  • How to set up an ancestral altar
  • How do do ancestral research
  • Trans-generational and historical trauma and their impact on our current lives
  • How to work with DNA testing and various DNA databases and how to interpret the findings
  • Mapping genealogical patterns, lineages and family trees
  • Tracing ancestral roots and routes
  • Reconnecting to your Ancestral Guide
  • Reclaiming the gifts and medicines of your people
  • Tuning in to and transforming ancestral patterns
  • Receiving the hidden gifts of your lineage
  • Healing with your Ancestral Guide

What You Will Receive Each Month

  1. An in-depth video of Cathy and Florian talking about the month’s theme.
  2. A guided audio journey
  3. A daily Journaling Guide to help you dive deeply into the ancestral theme of the month
  4. An in-depth manual (PDF) on the month’s theme with exercises and practical instructions
  5. Two essential oils (2.5ml each)
  6. One hydrosol (30ml)
  7. A flower essence
  8. A semi-precious stone
  9. A selection of herbs in dried or tincture form
  10. Twenty scent strips
  11. A rune picked individually for you
  12. Other relevant tools for each theme
  13. Conveniently mailed to your door!

There will be an exclusive, participants-only Slack workspace in which we can exchange discoveries, insights, resources, etc.

All this for only $89 per month!

Your Guides

Cathy Skipper is an international teacher and healer who brings her highly attuned intuition and experience of ‘seeing’ the person within to these sessions.
Florian Birkmayer, MD is a wounded healer with years of experience guiding people through their challenges to a place of empowerment. He previously worked for years as a holistic psychiatrist.

Join us!

Try our FREE Shadow Work Package

“The shadow may carry the best of the life we have not lived.” Marion Woodman

You are intrigued by shadow work but don’t know where to start. You used to be frightened of looking at your shadow but now you sense it may hold the answers you are looking for. Subscribe to Aromagnosis to get your FREE “Shadow Work Checklist” and 3 Shadow Work Videos.