Are You Ready To See The Hidden, Heal The Whole And Become Empowered?

Transform and shift into a more authentically aligned and empowered version of yourself with our tried and tested AromaGnosis Method that will shine a light on your blind spots.

Identifying the beliefs that are holding you back is difficult, but through our Individual Consultations, we can turn challenging situations around quickly, effectively and for good!

Because we are here to empower you, not to turn you into a professional patient.

What Others Are Saying About This Experience

“Cathy Skipper and Florian Birkmayer are offering some deep wisdom to the world. I am refreshed and renewed, and doorways to the work I’ve been trying to manifest have opened.”
Leslie L.
“Florian and Cathy bring deep meaning through a multidisciplinary structure, personal vulnerability, and experience. This experience was the most valuable commitment of time and to self that I have had all year. I will carry with me these tools for years to come. If you are fortunate enough to spend time with these two incredible souls, I recommend you take it!”
Jane M.

Healing Our Relationships Heals The World!

You have an intuitive sense that healing our overwhelming environmental, political, and social problems starts with healing your relationships.

Work with us and you will:
  • Remove obstacles and challenges that get in the way of who you are meant to be
  • Cultivate the foundation for true inner health
  • Heal the world by healing yourself. 


In our Individual Consultations, we focus on helping you see all of yourself, especially your blind spots.  

We give you powerful insights that will help you transform your life instantly. 

Our initial individual consultation is for you if:

You are ready for rapid and long-lasting transformation.

You have reached the end of the road, and you don’t know what else to try. 

Kristina says...

“I came away from this experience with a restored understanding of my relationship with my true self and a renewed commitment to honoring my journey with loving kindness, patience, and power. I am humbled and grateful (and infinitely stronger) for the chance to go deep and wide in connecting with my story and myself. I am thrilled to have the tools shared as touchpoints for my path. And I am forever changed by the experience of being invited to courageously engage with myself, my story, and my relationships. I have to say, I am deeply grateful to the two of you. The humility, transparency, courage, and humor that you specifically bring is invaluable. It would be easy for someone with this knowledge to wield it for power-over others and for that approach to translate into a sense of hierarchy: it never even remotely went there. It was evident from the outset you are committed to this work in your own lives. Your compassion and affection were palpable.”
When you book an initial consultation with us, we will schedule a time that suits you best.  Consultations are via Zoom. The initial consultation last 90 minutes. 

By the end of the consultation, you will have breakthroughs, insights, and action steps to lead you forward on your journey.

  • These steps will empower you, and you will know if or when you need to follow up with us.  
  • You will feel empowered rather than dependent on us.
  • You will have have a new framework and tools for the whole psyche.
  • You will see the blind spots that have been controlling you so you can heal them once and for all. 
  • You will have Aha moments of new understanding.
  • You will be inspired to move forward in your life.
Cathy Skipper is an international teacher and healer who brings her highly attuned intuition and experience of ‘seeing’ the person within to these sessions.
Florian Birkmayer, MD is a wounded healer with years of experience guiding people through their challenges to a place of empowerment. He previously worked for years as a holistic psychiatrist.

Book Now for $350 for the first session (1.5 hours) and $250 for follow-up sessions (1 hour).


How many sessions will I need?

We generally see people for between one to three sessions, and then people come back some months later for a follow up, if they think it is necessary. 


Are the sessions recorded?

All sessions can be recorded if desired. 

Do you see people outside the United States?

We have clients from all over the world and can usually accommodate different time zones when scheduling.

Do you work with people with trauma?

We do not diagnose or treat medically, but we are aware of the impact of trauma on the psyche. 

Not sure?

Email us to book a FREE 15min exploratory call.